Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Hindu Marriage Act 1955: Registration & Important Conditions

    Certainly, This article will help you understand the important conditions and registration requirements for Hindu Marriage under the Hindu Marriage Act, of 1955. Table of Contents: Introduction Conditions for a Valid Hindu Marriage Age Mental and Physical Capacity Prohibited Relationships Monogamy Registration of Hindu Marriage Importance of Registration Procedure for Registration Case Laws on Registration…

  • How to run Linux command on windows operating system?

    How to run Linux command on windows operating system?


  • What types of websites get a lot of traffic?

    What types of websites get a lot of traffic?

    Website development is a necessity for almost every kind of work now a days, but web developers who always want to develop websites which get more popular and users enjoy it as much as possible. But a question arises in every developer’s mind which is : What types of websites get a lot of traffic?…

  • What is the use of Wikipedia app if I can’t view it offline?

    What is the use of Wikipedia app if I can’t view it offline?

    What is the use of Wikipedia app if I can’t view it offline? Some times this kind of questions can be arise in everyone’s mind that if there is website than what is the need of an application which also works using internet only, the similar situation is here with the Wikipedia mobile application. Wikipedia…

  • I got a verification WhatsApp message which I didn’t ask, I’m worry that someone is using my WhatsApp account, should I?

    I got a verification WhatsApp message which I didn’t ask, I’m worry that someone is using my WhatsApp account, should I?

    My answer to I got a verification WhatsApp message which I didn’t ask, I’m worry that someone is using my WhatsApp … Answer by Milind Audichya: No need to worry about it, sometime it happens that in case of entering mobile number while if someone makes mistake than the verification code gets delivered to that…

  • WhatsApp new notifications feature

    WhatsApp new notifications feature

    WhatsApp is one of the most popular instant messenger application. Now a day as WhatsApp  provides a lot of functionalities like Chatting, Image, Audio, Video, and Location and Contacts sharing. Apart from that it also provides many more features like Groups, Broadcasting and etc. One of the main reason of it too much popularity of…

  • How to install LAMP on UBUNTU easily

    How to install LAMP on UBUNTU easily

    Installing LAMP on UBUNTU Ubuntu is a great operating system if you really know how to work with it, for using it effectively you need to a linux lover first. Some people love and some don’t as it’s all about the individual choice but if you ask me about it I will always suggest you…

  • Not Received Windows 10 Update Yet?

    Not Received Windows 10 Update Yet?

    Here are the quick ways to get Windows 10 Update right now! I don’t know much more about others but I am always curious about the technology related things like a new update, new application or a new kind of operating system. I often work on several operating systems and I always like to be…

  • Secure Android Phone Using Android Device Manager

    Secure Android Phone Using Android Device Manager

    When you purchase a phone you are afraid that what if it gets stolen or how secure it is after that? Here is Google’s mind boggling new app called Android Device Manager. Android Device manager is an application which makes you satisfied that your device will be secured wherever it is, whether it is stolen…

  • How to use YouTube for learning new things in an innovative way

    How to use YouTube for learning new things in an innovative way

    Most of the times, we often search on YouTube (Video Sharing Website Subsidiary of Google) to learn something innovative and useful for the different areas of interests. We know that YouTube is having a large collection of videos any one can upload a video on YouTube and for that one thing is required which is…

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